Adoray Home Health & Hospice partners with many organizations to offer free quality education to Healthcare Professionals and Community Members on managing chronic illness, caregiving, end-of-life, and grief and bereavement issues. Adoray welcomes any opportunity to share information about aging and end-of-life care. We are the community’s leading resource regarding many issues and concerns individuals and families will face as they help their loved ones navigate major healthcare issues and prepare for their final months of life.
Quality Education In-Service Solutions
All presentations are tailored to the special interests or needs of the audience.
Here are some topics to consider when thinking about what might interest your group:
• Healthcare Professionals & Community Members
Adoray’s Education Managers are available to present to any group, including:
Civic and service clubs
Church groups
High School and College groups
Medical professionals
Counseling professionals
Social service agencies
To request a speaker or discuss topic ideas, contact Amber Bettinger at 715.629.1888.
Please include your contact information
as well as information about your group, topics of interest, and when and where your
presentation is to take place.