Home Health & Rehab Services

Home health & rehab services are for those requiring the skills of a nurse or therapist to monitor or manage an unstable medical condition.

Home Health is appropriate for persons who prefer to stay in their home but are in need of ongoing skilled care that cannot be adequately provided by themselves, their family or friends.

Any illness or injury that requires a healthcare professional may qualify you for home health care. Typical examples include: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, lung disorders, neurologic conditions, joint replacements and recoveries from any number of other surgical procedures.

A team of home care professionals, with direction from your physician, carefully plans and provides the services required to meet your comprehensive health care needs. Our goal is unwavering – to help you achieve the highest quality of living that your health and circumstances will allow.

What is Home Care?

Home care is a service offered to recovering, disabled, or chronically ill persons who need medical treatment and/or assistance with the activities of daily living. Generally, home care is appropriate when a person requires care and family and friends cannot easily or effectively provide it on their own. The National Association for Home Care (NAHC) estimates that more than 7 million Americans currently receive home care for mild, acute and long-term needs. This figure increases every day, as greater numbers of people are able to leave institutions or avoid entering them due to advances in technology. State-of-the-art medical equipment for use in the home can now provide treatment and services that once were only available in the hospital.

What are the Advantages of Home Care?

Who Pays for Home Care?

Public third-party payers include: Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, Social Security Block Grant programs and community organizations. Private insurance programs typically cover some services for acute needs, but benefits for long term services vary from plan to plan.

Rehab Therapy

Promoting independence and participation to help you or your loved one recover after injury or illness.

Adoray’s Rehabilitation Therapy Services provide customized rehab programs designed with aggressive but achievable goals to get our patients back to living the life they love as soon as possible.

Therapy at Home:

If you or your loved one is unable to leave home, Adoray’s rehab team brings client-centered therapy services to wherever they call home. Adoray meets clients wherever they are on the road to recovery.

Rehabilitation Care Plan

Adoray provides a team approach to rehab therapy care. Our expert and specially trained rehab therapists were carefully selected for their caring, compassionate, and respectful attitudes. Our rehab team members are encouraging and friendly professionals dedicated to our patients well-being. Your loved one’s Adoray therapy team works with his/her physician and hospital discharge planner to build a program designed especially to help your loved one achieve the highest possible level of independence and physical functioning.

Adoray’s expertly trained and compassionate rehab therapy staff can help your loved one rediscover independence. A client’s care plan may include:

  • Therapy services: physical, occupational and/or speech and language therapy
  • Medical director and skilled and professional nursing services
  • Comprehensive case management and social services
  • Registered dietitian and nutrition counseling
  • Aide services to assist with personal care*
  • *Services are physician ordered and depend upon your individualized plan of care.

Rehab Therapies Offered

Physical Therapy is the treatment of injuries and conditions to promote a return to function and independent living. Physical therapists are experts in how your body moves and functions focusing not only on treating injuries, but also on preventing them. Physical therapy includes the use of hands-on care and exercise for restoring motion and strength as well as training that allows a patient to return to daily activities.

Occupational Therapy is similar to physical therapy, but with a different emphasis. The majority of occupational therapists treat hand-and-upper-limb injuries, as well as injuries that affect movement and function. Stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis are some of the conditions that may benefit from this type of therapy. Occupational therapy focuses on critical activities of daily living such as bathing, eating, grooming, dressing, cooking, driving, cleaning, and getting into and out of bed.

Speech Therapy is the treatment of conditions resulting in difficulty with talking and/or swallowing. Common treatments may range from strengthening exercises, and instructive or repetitive practice, to the use of sound or visual aids and strategies that allow everyday communication to become easier. Speech therapy may also include sign language and the use of picture symbols.

Specialized Treatments Offered:

  • Falls Risk Evaluation
  • Balance Evaluation and Treatment
  • Therapy following Orthopedic/Joint Surgery or Injury
  • Rehabilitation after Stroke or Other Brain Injury
  • Osteoporosis
  • Chronic neurological diseases-Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s
  • Arthritis – Osteo/Rheumatoid
  • Balance/Vestibular Specialty Care
  • Seating Evaluations and Wheelchair Assessments
  • Lymphedema Treatment
  • Wound Care
  • IV/ Infusion Administration


Payment of Services

Medicare, Medical Assistance and the VA who reimburse for visits at 100%.

Other insurances whose terms vary depending on the individual plan Bills for these services are submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, VA, or private insurance directly by Adoray.

Adoray will work with patients and families to help determine eligibility and to verify insurance coverage.

Acceptance to Home Health Services Policy

POLICY: Adoray is committed to providing high-quality care to all patients referred for services. Acceptance to Home Health services will be based on an assessment of the prospective patient’s needs, the organization’s capacity to meet those needs, and the qualifications and training of our staff.


1. Evaluation of Prospective Patient Needs:
a. Upon receipt of a referral, a comprehensive review of the prospective patient’s anticipated needs will be conducted, including but not limited to:
 i. Medical and clinical needs
 ii. Psychosocial, emotional, and environmental factors
 iii. Equipment, supplies, or special accommodation required
 iv. The patient’s geographic location
b. Input from the referring provider, family, and/or caregiver will be sought as needed and in accordance with Hipaa regulations to ensure a full understanding of the patient’s condition and care requirements.

2. Assessment of Organizational Caseload and Case-Mix:
a. The current caseload will be reviewed to ensure that adding a new patient will not compromise the quality of care delivered to existing patients.
b. The case-mix, including the complexity and diversity of patient needs, will be analyzed to maintain an appropriate balance within the organization’s resources.

3. Review of Staffing Levels:
a. The organization’s staffing levels will be evaluated to ensure adequate personnel are available to provide timely and effective care to the prospective patient.
b. Consideration will include:
 i. Total staff availability
 ii. Ongoing staff commitments and assignments
 iii. Projected workload for the period under consideration

4. Skills and Competencies of Staff:
a. The organization will determine if its staff possesses the necessary skills, training, and competencies to meet the specific needs of the prospective patient.
b. Staff assignments will align with:
 i. Licensure and certification of staff
 ii. Specialized skills (e.g., wound care, IV therapy, lymphedema treatment, dementia care, falls prevention)

5. Documentation:
a. All assessments, decisions, and communications regarding acceptance or denial of services will be documented in the patient’s referral record.

6. Skilled services provided found on Adoray’s website: https://adoray.org/


  • I have received home health care from Adoray on two separate occasions. My in-home nurse was wonderful both times. She was very professional and personable, and addressed all my needs and questions. She was a wonderful person and asset to Adoray. I sincerely thank Adoray for the caring services that were provided.
    – patient

  • My nurse was very helpful, both physically and mentally, as the healing process was long. I have no doubt her friendly attitude helped heal me.
    – patient

  • Your staff was wonderful and caring. Thank you for all of your help.
    – patient

Getting Started

Home Health & Rehab Patient Referral Form

Our enrollment team responds promptly to referral requests throughout each day. However, if there is an urgent need and outside the hours of 8:00am – 4:30pm, please also call Adoray Enrollment at 800.359.0174.
