Date: Dec, 24 2019
During this time of year we often hear...
“We just want to get through the holidays
before we speak to dad about hospice.”
Now is the time to give the gift of Adoray Hospice.
Enrolling in hospice before the holidays can give eligible patients and families emotional and physical support that provides them with comfort and care during the holiday season.
Patients and their families will benefit from Hospice because Adoray will:
• Focus on the patient’s pain and physical symptom management.
• Develop a coordinated plan of care that addresses the needs of the patient and patient’s family.
• Provide emotional, spiritual and psychosocial care.
• Visit the patient to be aware of and respond to the patient’s changing
needs and condition.
We frequently hear patients and their loved ones say they wish hospice care had started sooner. By receiving hospice before the holidays, the full benefits of hospice can be received by those most in need.
Discover how Adoray can help you keep care and family home for the holidays.
Give us a call or refer a patient online today!
You can also help support our mission and make a difference in the lives of those facing life's most difficult journey by donating to Adoray. Click the more info button to make a donation in memory or honor of a loved one!