Celebrating Father's

Date: Jun, 18 2023 - Jun, 18 2023


The history of Father's Day can be traced to early 20th-century America, when a young woman named Sonora Smart Dodd sparked the idea of honoring fathers. Inspired by the establishment of Mother's Day, Dodd wanted to create a similar holiday to recognize the role of fathers in the lives of their children.

She advocated for a day dedicated to fathers, particularly her father, a Civil War veteran who raised her and her siblings. In 1910, the first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington.

It would be decades before the concept gained national recognition. In 1972, President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation officially designating Father's Day as a national holiday, solidifying its place in American culture.


The days leading up to Father’s Day can be difficult for those who have lost a father. Father’s Day is surrounded by consumerism—and seeing all the commercials, greeting cards, and restaurant specials can be emotionally overwhelming. The holiday can be especially hard for those experiencing their first Father’s Day without their dad, and they may be tempted to avoid the holiday altogether. However, Father’s Day doesn’t have to be about gifts or grilling out with Dad. There are still many ways to celebrate, remember, and honor your father this Father’s Day, even if he is no longer physically with you.

1. Share stories about your dad
Gather with family and friends and reminisce about all the notable, fun, and even outrageous times you and your dad shared. Look at old photos and recollect the memories that will always be a part of you. Use this opportunity to talk about your dad to someone who never met him. This ensures that your father’s legacy will go on and remain an important presence in your life.

2. Send a card or spend time with other father figures in your life
Reach out to the men in your life who have served as mentors, coaches, and friends. While no one can replace your own father, it’s important to celebrate the men in your life who helped shaped you. Don’t forget to celebrate your mother, who at some point took on the role of both mother and father—all while dealing with loss of her own.

3. Spend time with your dad
This could mean visiting his grave site, or simply just sitting in nature and sharing with your dad everything that’s been going on in your life. Thank him and tell him that you cherish the time you did have together.

4. Find a simple, and even fun, way to remember your dad
If your fondest memories are of you and your dad fishing, take the day and head to the closest lake, enjoying the stillness and silence. If your dad was known for his love of scotch, order one at a bar and raise a glass to him and his memory.

5. Acknowledge your grief and deal with it on your own time
This can be a painful day, especially if it’s your first Father’s Day after losing your dad. The grieving process is different for everyone, and when you are ready to seek help in coping with grief, Delaware Hospice offers support and resources in various ways.

Ultimately, how you celebrate Father’s Day when your father has passed is up to you. Find joy, memories, and love in celebrating—or not celebrating. However you choose to spend the day, do something that would make your father proud. Because even if he’s gone, he will always be your father.

For more information on bereavement support and other services offered by Adoray Hospice, call 800.359.0174 and ask to speak with a bereavement counselor, or visit our website at www.adoray.org/caregiver-grief-support

Father's Day is a special occasion to show our appreciation and gratitude for the incredible men who have shaped our lives. These 10 tips will help make the day memorable for your dad while helping you connect with him, even from a distance.


Father's Day is a time to celebrate the fathers in our lives and express our love and gratitude for their unwavering support. These five ideas can help make the day more meaningful and memorable for dad.

1. Thoughtful gifts: Surprise your dad with a meaningful present that reflects his interests, such as a book by his favorite author, a gadget he's been eyeing, or a personalized piece of jewelry.

2. Quality time: Plan a special day together, engaging in activities your dad enjoys, such as going for a hike, playing a round of golf, or cooking a meal.

3. Handmade creations: Tap into your creative side and craft a heartfelt DIY gift, such as a scrapbook filled with cherished memories, a handwritten poem, or a customized photo frame.

4. Storytelling sessions: Set aside time to sit with your dad and listen to and record his stories. Encourage him to share his experiences, impart wisdom, and reminisce about significant moments in his life.

5. Intergenerational activities: Plan an outing or a project that involves multiple generations, such as a family picnic, a gardening day, or a cooking session. Invite extended family members, including grandparents, uncles, and cousins, to honor all the fathers in the family. Share stories, laughter, and delicious food to create lasting memories and foster a sense of togetherness.


Distance might physically separate us from our fathers, but it doesn't diminish the love and appreciation we have for them. Father's Day is an opportunity to bridge the gap and make the day special, even if dad is far away.

1. Surprise deliveries: Arrange for a special delivery to your dad's doorstep, such as a care package filled with his favorite snacks, a heartfelt letter, or a bouquet of his favorite flowers.

2. Memory journals: Gift your dad a journal in which he can jot down memories, thoughts, and reflections. Add your own entries and create a shared bond through words.

3. Capturing memories: Collect and organize family photographs, then create a digital or physical photo album and send it to dad. Add captions or descriptions to spark conversations and evoke cherished memories.

4. Shared experiences: Engage in activities that you can enjoy simultaneously while apart, such as watching a movie while video chatting, cooking the same recipe, or reading the same book and discussing it afterward.

5. Letters of appreciation: Write a letter from the heart expressing your gratitude and appreciation for your dad's love, guidance, and sacrifices. Let him know the impact he has made in your life.

By following time-honored traditions, embracing innovative ways to celebrate, and finding meaningful methods to connect, we can make Father’s Day memorable even if dad is down the road, far away or watching us from above.

Happy Father’s Day from all of us at Adoray!

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